Governors are at the heart of how a school operates. Their role is to help our school provide the best possible education for the children in our care.
The Full Governing Body meets once a term to discuss the school's progress and to plan for future developments within the school. This is done in accordance with the school Mission Statement. In addition to this, a variety of sub-committees deal with specific areas of the school's management, covering Finance, Standards and Achievement, Health and Safety, Curriculum and Personnel and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural vision of the school.

Dr Mike Best
Co-opted Governor
Please contact any of our governors via the school office at office@claines.worcs.sch.uk
Mrs Claire Green
Co-Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Y1 Class Governor
CLA Governor

Mr Simon Gent

Mrs Jade Busby
Vice Chair of Governors
Parent Governor
Safeguarding Governor
Y2 Class Governor
CLA Governor
Pupil Premium Governor

Miss Jean Robb
Local Authority Governor
Y3 Class Governor

Miss Jenny Batelen
Foundation Governor
English Governor
SEND Governor

Dr Geoff Smith
Co-Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Health and Safety Governor
Y6 Class Governor
Mrs Charlotte Sanders
Foundation Governor
EYFS Governor

Mrs Sophie Sidhu
Staff Governor

Mr Jon Lessimore
Parent Governor
Y5 Class Governor

Mrs C Perks
Clerk to Governors

Mrs Rachel Cramp
Foundation Governor
Y4 Class Governor
RSE & PSHE Governor
Mrs Lisa Maynard​
Co-opted Governor
Art Governor