Any remote learning or homework is now set via Seesaw. In a recent survey, 97% of children liked Seesaw and found it easy to use. It can be downloaded on any tablet or computer and each child is given their own unique QR code to login to their class account.

Seesaw Tutorial for Pupils
Please contact your child's teacher for any more support with accessing or using Seesaw.

Remote Learning Survey March 2021
I feel remote learning has gone really well. Massive credit to the amazing teachers and staff for all their hard work. Teachers provided great support for both my children and the work set was really good. They were easy to contact and they always offered support and advice.
We have been really impressed with the variety of work that was set and the degrees of difficulty. The constant 'likes', daily hello videos and communication was invaluable.
I thought the remote learning was perfect - it was flexible enough to fit around my full time job and there was plenty of support when required. The immediate feedback was really appreciated and kept my child motivated. I also liked how it was structured like a normal school day and we both enjoyed the Friday assemblies!